
A, C, and E are all odd sounding letters. B, D, and F and are even sounding. Words with lots of odd letters make the word sound odd. Sentences with lots of odd sounding words make an odd sentence, Sentences, paragraphs, chapters, themes.

There are odd conversations, odd books, odd people, all based on how people structure their language, the way they think.

In the event of a tie … the word shall be even.

For example, the word “even” is an even sounding word, whereas the word “odd” is also an even sounding word. Which defeats the purpose of me using “even” and “odd” as illustrations (illustrations, as you know, is odd sounding).In fact, this whole paragraph sounds rather odd. What meaning do you take so far from this informal essay? Even or odd?

How do you interpret this? How do you feel about even and odd? Do you interpret them as good and evil? Is one better than the other? Good, of course, is odd and evil is even. Or do you see them as left and right? 2 sides of the same coin, neither better or worse. Left is an even word … right is also an even word. Again, bad example.

Do colors have an odd/even feel? Red feels even and sounds even. The color blue feels odd but sounds even. Yellow both feels and sounds odd.

What about smells? Campfire sounds odd but smells even. The texture of the bark of a rugged old White Pine (P. strobus) feels odd but sounds even.

Is this a moral way of looking at the world, dividing it into two clean columns? Odd or even. This is the basis of biblical morality. Only good or evil, no in between. Only black or white … no gray … don’t even think about magenta.

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